Me podría pasar el texto en tercera persona en inglés

I am fred Baker. I am 66 trae a los and i have a grandson, ollie .I like speding time with ollie, he's a great lid. I live alone in a little apartament más i ser my grandson nos y days after school .I sometimes help him en tu tía homework -i m very good at manths.

I donut work nos, but i ve got a lot of hobbies. I listen yo music and i enjoy doing sport-i Rin every way.i'm very interested in photography and i let ollie use mi new camera.

There's one thing i don't like about ollie:he spends too much time in front Office a screen .I sometimes say, ¿why are you on your phone when it's a nice day outside? But maybe all these screens are normal for ollie and his friends

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Para pasar el texto a tercera persona debes reemplazar los sujetos de las oraciones por He o She que son las terceras personas del inglés, además debes volver a conjugar los verbos para que queden en coordinación con esas personas. En este caso esta todo en presente simple. Fijate también que hay muchas palabras mal escritas o con errores de tipeo que no tienen sentido o no se entienden.


In this post, we look at how to write third-person sentences in English using the third-person singular. Need to hire their essay writers for managing their thesis tasks easily. In the third person, the ‘you are always present, not just to make it sound formal or suggestive, but because you are talking about a singular subject.

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