Necesito que me ayudéis a traducir este texto y a resolver los ejercicios de ingles

I.- Past tense. Fill the blanks with teh correct verbs in past tense:
Our group__________in small boats through some of the channels, where we could have been lost very easily without a guide. One of the young people in the group, a boy named Tony, ________into the channel; when he _________over too far to watch a big turtle, luckily, no alligators ________ near him. But we  _________many alligators and snake. But anyway we _________ the ride boat.
fell      saw     rode     leaned    enjoyed     were
II.-Complete with there was - there were  the following sentences:
1.- In teh zoo _____________many kinds of birds.
2.-_________________many alligators in the river?
3.-_________________many places to see in Mexico City?
4.-________________ a big smile in her face.
5.-________________ not a new pharmacy in this street.
6.-________________ a tornado in Oklahoma yesterday.
7.-________________many accidents last night?
8.-________________not enough water for an annual crop.
9.-________________an art museum in Atlanta.
10.-_______________many kinds of businesses in Atlanta.
III.- Idiomatics form. Translate the followings sentences.
1.-Roberto se va a graduar este año.______________________________
2.- Vas a reservar el hotel en Cancun.______________________________
3.-Mr. Ortega no va a escalar la montaña ___________________________
4.-El lagarto va a morder a Tony __________________________________
5.-El niño se va a caer dentro del rio ______________________________
6.- El teatro Ford va a ser restaurado_____________________________
7.- La nave espacial no va a aterrizar en la luna ____________________
8.-Mi vestido va a ser el mas bonito de la fiesta ____________________
9.- Vas a aydarme con mi boda ? ______________________________
10.-Si te mueves; la beja te va a picar _________________________
IV.- Future tense. Change the following sentences to future:
1.- Mr. Sullivar ate hot bsuits _________________________
2.-Did Nadia listen rock music yesterday?_______________________
3.-My btother didn´t sleep on the bus._________________________
4.-Ameriocans lost the battle of Irak. __________________________
5.-Her brother stayed in Cairo one month . ______________________
6.-Did the bus wait for us?___________________________________
7.-the members of congress met in the capitol ____________________
8.- We talked about your problems at the restaurant.____________________
9.- They saw the original furniture of Washington . ________________________
10.- She kept all her dolls. ______________________________

1 Respuesta

Our group rode in small boats through some of the channels, where we could have been lost very easily without a guide. One of the young people in the group, a boy named Tony, fell into the channel; when he leaned over too far to watch a big turtle, luckily, no alligators were near him. But we saw many alligators and snake. But anyway we enjoyed the ride boat.
1.- In the zoo there were many kinds of birds.
2.-¿Were there many alligators in the river?
3.-¿Were there many places to see in Mexico City?
4.-There was a big smile in her face.
5.-There was not a new pharmacy in this street.
6.-There was a tornado in Oklahoma yesterday.
7.-¿Were there many accidents last night?
8.-There was not enough water for an annual crop.
9.-There was an art museum in Atlanta.
10.-There were many kinds of businesses in Atlanta.
1.-Roberto this year is going to graduate.
2.-You are going to reserve the hotel in Cancun.
3.-Mr. Ortega isn't going to ascend the mountain.
4.-The alligator is going to bite Tony.
5.-The child is going to fall in the river.
6.- The Ford theatre is going to restaured
7.- The starship is not going to land in Moon
8.-My dress is going to be prettiest in the party
9.-¿Are you going to help me in my wedding?
10.-If you move; the bee is going to stick you.
1.- Mr. Sullivar will eat hot biscuits
2.-¿Will Nadia listen rock music tomorrow?
3.-My brother won´t sleep on the bus.
4.-Americans will lose the battle of Irak.
5.-Her brother will stay in Cairo one month .
6.-Will the bus wait for us?
7.-The members of congress will meet in the capitol
8.- We will talk about your problems at the restaurant.
9.- They will see the original furniture of Washington .
10.- She will keep all her dolls.
Por medio del mismo reciba un saludo de mi parte asi como agradecer su atencion a la ayda que le solicte con mi tarea que es la  guia de estudio para mi examen , no dudando que con su respuesta pueda yo sacar muy buenas calificaciones, por lo que le dedico mi buena calificacion en este examen ya que  al ver que esta bien contestado ya que mis respuestas coinciden con usted, pero queria estar seguro que lo estoy haciendo como debe de ser., califico de diez su atencion muy agradecido y espero me siga ayudando en los proximos examenes.
gracias por todo

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