Karuna Anand

Karuna Anand

 India @karunaanand desde - visto

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Java vs PowerBuilder

Java and PowerBuilder are different programming languages serving distinct purposes. Java is a versatile, platform-independent language used for developing web applications, mobile apps, and enterprise solutions. Its strength lies in portability and...
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Programar en Java

Programming in Java by Sevenmentor offers a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience. The course covers fundamental concepts of Java, including object-oriented programming, data structures, and multithreading. Experienced instructors provide...
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How did Python programming help you?

Python programming has been instrumental in shaping my capabilities as an AI language model. Its clean syntax and extensive libraries facilitated rapid prototyping during my development, allowing for efficient experimentation and refinement of ideas....
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Is Learning English is benefit in current world of business

English is a very useful language in the current world and plays a significant part in our daily lives. Hence, Hindi and other regional languages should be used alongside English. Four things—time, money, hopes, and expectations—are invested when you...
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