
para acceder desde delphi a una base de datos creada en access me pide un login y una contraseña, que tengo que poner?
Muchiiiiisimas gracias

1 Respuesta

La mejor forma para acceder a ACCESS, es utilizando ADO, es muy facil crear el acceso, el cual consistira en crear una cadena de conexion a la BD, es muy sencillo, y hay ejemplo en la carpeta delphi.
Lo del login en principio no debes de poner nada, lo que pasa es que ahora no recuerdo, pero debias de poner algun parametro de configuracion en el TDatabase.
How to open a Microsoft Access (*.mdb) database using the MSACCESS driver.
You can use Microsoft Access databases only with Delphi 3 Professional or better. You have to have the BDE (Borland Database Engine) installed on the PC. It should be version 4.51 or better. Besides the BDE you need to have the DAO installed. It is part of MS Office 97. The distribution version should be on the Office CD.
After installing the BDE you should run the BDE Administrator and click on the Configuration tab. Find the setting Configuration/Drivers/ Native/MSACCESS. Change the value of DLL32 from iddao32.dll to idda3532.dll.
Now to use a Microsoft Access database create and alias in the DatabaseDesktop or create a TDatabase component and next set the following values (the database name and the database file location are just examples :-):
with Database1 do begin
DriverName := 'MSACCESS';
DatabaseName := 'SomeNameDB';
with Params do begin
Add('DATABASE NAME=c:Database directorydatabase.mdb');
Connected := True;
For every used TQuery or TTable component you have to set the value of the DatabaseName property to be the same as Database1.DatabaseName.

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