
Tengo alguna experiencia con CGI, pero realmente no se como instalar el phorum-3.2.11 ( Esta pagina (oficial) da una explicación muy mala.
¿me gustaria saber si sabes de algun site que diga como instalarlo? O si vos sabes instalarlo?

1 respuesta

En el fichero docs/readme.txt que viene con la distribución de phorum, encontrarás unas instrucciones de instalación muy muy claras:
*** 0. PRE-Installation ***
Read security.txt after you complete the installation.
1. Make sure you have PHP ( installed. We recommend version 3.0.12
or higher. Phorum has been known to work with 3.0.6, but we have also seen
problems with this version. Phorum 3.2.x was tested with version 4.0.3.
2. Make sure you have one of the supported databases installed. At the time
this was written the ones tested by the Phorum team are:
MySQL version 3.22.x or higher. (
PostgreSQL 6.4.1 or higher (
There are also database modules for other databases. These are not tested
by the Phorum team.
Sybase SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server
3. If you do not have a database already, create a database. In MySQL you
use the "mysqladmin" program like this:
Mysqladmin -uuser -ppaswword create mydb
4. Be sure that you have a user for that database which has the rights to
select, insert, update, delete, create, alter and drop. A MySQL Grant
statment for this user would look like this:
Select, insert, update, create, alter, delete, drop
Identified by
*** 1. Installation ***
Read security.txt after you complete the installation.
******* There is a script in the scripts dir called If you are on
******* a Unix system please use this script to set up Phorum. This script
******* make many of the following steps unnecessary.
1. Edit common.php.
a) Change $inf_path to the dir where you will put forums.php. See
security.txt for more on why you should move it.
b) Change $include_path to the dir where you will put the included
files. There is no real risk in leaving these where they are.
If you are uncomfortable about people possibly reading code on
your server you may want to move them. Simply changing the dir
name to something unique would do.
c) Change $admindir to the dir where you will put the admin files. See
security.txt for more on why you should move it and how to protect it.
If you move the admin directory to somewhere other than one level down
from the current location, see security.txt for details on how you must
change the admin/index.php to reflect these changes.
e) Set the name ($admin_page) of the main admin script (index.php by default).
f) Configure Phorum to interface with your DBMS.
This means uncommenting the line in common.php that corresponds to your
database system. MySQL is selected by default. The variable that needs
to be changed is $db_file
NOTE FOR POSTGRESQL USERS: If you are using PostgreSQL 6.5 or newer use
the postgresql65.php file. Others use the postgresql.php file.
g) If you want to use a different base tablename that "forums" change the
value of $pho_main to reflect this.
2. Give write permissions to the webserver on the admin/forums dir.
> cd admin
> chmod 707 forums
This is only secure if you are on a dedicated server. If you are on a
shared server, see security.txt for more detail on securing your files.
3. Give write permissions to the webserver on the configuration files.
> cd [inf_path]
> chmod 707 forums.php
> chmod 706 forums.bak.php
This is only secure if you are on a dedicated server. If you are on a
shared server, see security.txt for more detail on securing your files.
4. Move the files into your web tree. Be sure you move forums.php and
forums.php.bak to the location you designated in common.php for
$inf_path. By default these files are in the include dir.
NOTE: If this is a first time install you will need to rename the following:
forums.php-dist => forums.php
forums.bak.php-dist => forums.bak.php
header.php-dist => header.php
footer.php-dist => footer.php
In most cases, changes to your existing forums.php can be included by
upgrading the admin files and selecting "Rebuild INF file".
5. Secure forums.php and forums.php.bak according to your setup as laid out
in security.txt.
6. Goto the admin from a web browser. This is admin/index.php by default.
7. Now select 'Main'. Then, select 'Change Password'. Fill in your new
password and hit Update.
8. Select 'Phorum Setup' and then 'Database Settings' from the menu. Enter the
database information you are asked for and hit update. The admin will still
report that there is no database connection. This should go away on the
next screen.
9. Select 'File/Path Settings'. If you plan on changing any of the file names
or extensions of the files do it now. Also, the forum url should be filled
in for you. Do not change it unless the URL you are currently accessing the
admin from is different from the publicly accessed Phorum installation. Hit
10. Now select 'Global Settings'. Once there you must fill in the default
email and select a language file. Hit update.
Phorum is now ready to be used.
... si sabes inglés ...

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