Problema con Hp psc 750

Disculpa la molestia pero soy nuevo en esto de la reparacion y tengo una impresora hp psc 750 que al momento de prenderla muestra el mensaje de inicializando, ni el escaner ni los cabezales responden (no se mueven)y despues de eso manda un mensaje en el display "error c00e0402" y no se que podria ser
Aca te transcribo las posibles causas lo unico que lo tengo todo en ingles asi que te lo paso tal cual lo encontre, espero que te sirva:por lo que yo entiendo puede ser la causa mas posible que la lampara del scanner no este calentando o bien no le llegue corriente a la misma.
1)Here is a possible cause, outside of this it will likely require service.
System error
C00exxxx (x=any number or letter)
C00fxxxx (x=any number or letter)
1. Verify that all packing material is removed from the product and no paper jams exist.
2. Make sure that the front panel insert is securely in place and that all doors or panels of the product are closed. Unplug the power cord from the HP product, wait 10 seconds, and then plug in the power cord.
3. If the HP product has been in the cold, unplug the power cord and allow it about an hour to reach room temperature. Plug in the power cord.
4. The issue can also occur if the white reference strip for the scanner assembly is missing or dirty. For information on cleaning the scanner strip, go to HP document General Cleaning of an HP All-in-One or Fax Product (bpu01831).

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