Tengo una pregunta sobre inglés.

Colocar los siguientes verbos en las siguientes frases:
cheat / fail /get high marks /get low marks / pass / retake
I hope I'll ______ my PGB the first time.
She always _____in exams. Her average mark is 80 %.
He ______the exam , because  he ______ the teacher saw him copying.
I ______ in my last two science exams - I got 27 % and 34 %.
I failed so I have to _______ my maths exam next week.
Muchas gracias espero tu repuesta!

1 Respuesta

Bueno el texto quedaría así:
I hope I will retake my PGB the first time. She always get high marks in exams. Her average mark is 80 %.
He fail the exam, because he cheat the teacher saw him copying. I pass in my last two science exams - I got 27 % and 34 %. I failed so I have to get low marks
my maths exam next week.

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