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¿Qué tan buena es la dieta alcalina?

¿Do Special Meal Timings Help Diet To Work Better? Dieting means paying more attention to what food one eats. Before we dive into dieting, we need to make some clarifications. Diet is not a necessity....
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Dolor en el hombro al levantar el brazo

¿How Can Sports Cause Negative or ill Effects On Human Health? Whether you believe in the human health benefits of exercise or not, most of us are probably aware of the risks of getting too much of a good thing. Most sports are famous for the things...
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Dolor detrás de la rodilla izquierda, molestia al estirar y al correr.

¿What Sort Of Health Problems Professional Athletes Suffer? Any injury or illness could hamper a professional athlete. Here’s what some of the more common health issues professional athletes are likely to be dealing with:...

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