Alex star

Alex star

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Archivo bat que sustituye cadenas

Sure, here's an example of a batch file that replaces a string in a text file: @echo off setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion set "search=oldstring" set "replace=newstring" set "inputfile=input.txt" set "outputfile=output.txt" if exist...
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Tengo un pc promedio y cuando abro minecraft se me bajan los fps

If you're experiencing a drop in FPS (frames per second) when playing Minecraft Apk on your average PC, there are several things you can do to improve performance. Here are a few suggestions: Lower your game settings: Minecraft has a range of...
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Pedal de embrague actua muy arriba

If your clutch pedal is acting too high, there may be a few potential causes: Worn clutch: A worn clutch may cause the pedal to feel higher than usual. This can happen when the clutch disc, pressure plate, or release bearing become worn and need to...

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