¿Cómo corro esta prueba en eclipse?

No se nada de Java y necesito correr esta prueba, me podrían decir como le tengo que hacer en eclipse para correrla?

import edu.uta.cse.fireeye.common.*;
import edu.uta.cse.fireeye.service.engine.IpoEngine;
import java.útil.ArrayList;
* This test class shows how to use the API interface of ACTS to
* build a test set.
public class BuildSUTDemo {
public static void main (String[] argv) {
// build a system configuration
SUT sut = new SUT ("TCAS");
// it is recommended to create a new parameter from the SUT object
// doing so will assign the parameter with an ID automatically
Parameter cur_vertical_sep = sut.addParam ("Cur_Vertical_Sep");
// all the parameter values are originally string values
// but they may be interpreted differently based on parameter type
// when processing constraints
cur_vertical_sep.addValue ("299");
cur_vertical_sep.addValue ("300");
cur_vertical_sep.addValue ("601");
cur_vertical_sep.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter high_confidence = sut.addParam ("High_Confidence");
high_confidence.addValue ("true");
high_confidence.addValue ("false");
high_confidence.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_BOOL);
Parameter two_of_three_reports_valid = sut.addParam ("Two_of_Three_Reports_Valid");
two_of_three_reports_valid.addValue ("true");
two_of_three_reports_valid.addValue ("false");
two_of_three_reports_valid.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_BOOL);
Parameter own_tracked_alt = sut.addParam ("Own_Tracked_Alt");
own_tracked_alt.addValue ("1");
own_tracked_alt.addValue ("2");
own_tracked_alt.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter other_tracked_alt = sut.addParam ("Other_Tracked_Alt");
other_tracked_alt.addValue ("1");
other_tracked_alt.addValue ("2");
other_tracked_alt.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter own_tracked_alt_rate = sut.addParam ("Own_Tracked_Alt_Rate");
own_tracked_alt_rate.addValue ("600");
own_tracked_alt_rate.addValue ("601");
own_tracked_alt_rate.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter alt_layer_value = sut.addParam ("Alt_Layer_Value");
alt_layer_value.addValue ("0");
alt_layer_value.addValue ("1");
alt_layer_value.addValue ("2");
alt_layer_value.addValue ("3");
alt_layer_value.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter up_separation = sut.addParam ("Up_Separation");
up_separation.addValue ("0");
up_separation.addValue ("399");
up_separation.addValue ("400");
up_separation.addValue ("499");
up_separation.addValue ("500");
up_separation.addValue ("639");
up_separation.addValue ("640");
up_separation.addValue ("739");
up_separation.addValue ("740");
up_separation.addValue ("840");
up_separation.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter down_separation = sut.addParam ("Down_Separation");
down_separation.addValue ("0");
down_separation.addValue ("399");
down_separation.addValue ("400");
down_separation.addValue ("499");
down_separation.addValue ("500");
down_separation.addValue ("639");
down_separation.addValue ("640");
down_separation.addValue ("739");
down_separation.addValue ("740");
down_separation.addValue ("840");
down_separation.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_INT);
Parameter other_rac = sut.addParam ("Other_RAC");
other_rac.addValue ("NO_INTENT");
other_rac.addValue ("DO_NOT_CLIMB");
other_rac.addValue ("DO_NOT_DESCEND");
other_rac.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM);
Parameter other_capability = sut.addParam ("Other_Capability");
other_capability.addValue ("TCAS_TA");
other_capability.addValue ("OTHER");
other_capability.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_ENUM);
Parameter climb_inhibit = sut.addParam ("Climb_Inhibit");
climb_inhibit.addValue ("true");
climb_inhibit.addValue ("false");
climb_inhibit.setType (Parameter.PARAM_TYPE_BOOL);
// create relations
Relation r = new Relation (3);
r.addParam (cur_vertical_sep);
r.addParam (up_separation);
r.addParam (down_separation);
// add this relation into the sut
sut.addRelation (r);
// add the default relation
sut.addDefaultRelation (2);
// create constraints
ArrayList<Parameter> params = new ArrayList ();
params.add (cur_vertical_sep);
params.add (other_capability);
Constraint c1 =
new Constraint ("Cur_Vertical_Sep != 299 => Other_Capability != \"OTHER\"",
// add this constraint into the sut
sut.addConstraint (c1);
// print out the sut
// set the test generation profile
// randomize don't care values
// Create an IPO engine object
IpoEngine engine = new IpoEngine (sut);
// build a test set
engine.build ();
// get the resulting test set
TestSet ts = engine.getTestSet ();
// print out the test set
TestSetWrapper wrapper = new TestSetWrapper (ts, sut);
// print into the standard out
wrapper.outputInCSVFormat ();
// print into a file
wrapper.outputInCSVFormat ("tcas-output.txt");

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