Developer Forms 2000

Cómo se configura o cambia el icono en la ventana principal de Forms FORMS_MDI_WINDOW desde SET_WINDOW_PROPERTY. Aparece siempre el de la aplicación por defecto y quiero poner uno personalizado.

1 respuesta

To change icon of FORMS_MDI_WINDOW please follow follwing steps.
1. Attach the PL/SQL library D2KWUTIL. PLL to your module.
2. Ensure that D2KWUT32.DLL is there in the path where D2KWUTIL. PLL is there.
3. Change the icon using code as shown below
win_handle PLS_INTEGER;
exc boolean;
win_handle := Win_Api_Utility.Get_Active_Window(exc);
Win_Api_Session.Change_MDI_Icon(win_handle ,'EARTH.ico',0);
--Win_Api_Session.Change_MDI_Icon(MDIWindow IN PLS_INTEGER,IconFile IN VARCHAR2,IconIndex IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT 0);
MDIWindow Handle to the MDI frame window. Do not use the handle returned by Get_Window_Property as this is the MDI client. Instead use the Win_Api_Utility.Get_Active_Window function
IconFile File which contains the icon, which can be an EXE, DLL or ICO file.
IconIndex Index of icon to retrieve. For an ICO file this will be 0.
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