Como borrar en un Textbox el 0(cero)

En la macro que detallo no puedo conseguir que el TextBox que no se ingresa datos lo tome al pasar a la planilla como 0(cero)

Private Sub ComandIngreso_Click()
Dim Cliente As String, Direccion As String, Provincia As String
Dim Venta As String, Cuit As Single, Cant01 As Single, Cant02 As Single
Dim Cant03 As Single, Cant04 As Single, Cant05 As Single
Dim Cant06 As Single, Cant07 As Single, Cant08 As Single
Dim Cant09 As Single, Cant10 As Single, Det01 As String
Dim Det02 As String, Det03 As String, Det04 As String
Dim Det05 As String, Det06 As String, Det07 As String
Dim Det08 As String, Det09 As String, Det10 As String
Dim Valor As Single, bultos As String
Dim Transporte As String 'Variable para almacenar valores de Transporte
Dim Transdire As String 'Variable para almacenar valores de TransporteDireccion

Cliente = TextCliente.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Direccion = TextDireccion.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Provincia = TextProvincia.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Venta = TextVenta.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cuit = Val(TextCuit.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant01 = Val(TextCant01.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant02 = Val(TextCant02.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant03 = Val(TextCant03.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant04 = Val(TextCant04.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant05 = Val(TextCant05.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant06 = Val(TextCant06.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant07 = Val(TextCant07.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant08 = Val(TextCant08.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant09 = Val(TextCant09.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Cant10 = Val(TextCant10.Text) 'Paso del formulario a la variable

Det01 = TextDet01.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det02 = TextDet02.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det03 = TextDet03.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det04 = TextDet04.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det05 = TextDet05.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det06 = TextDet06.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det07 = TextDet07.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det08 = TextDet08.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det09 = TextDet09.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Det10 = TextDet10.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Transporte = TextTransporte.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Transdire = TextTransdire.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
Valor = TextValor.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
bultos = TextBultos.Value 'Paso del formulario a la variable
With ActiveSheet
.Cells(4, 2) = TextCliente
.Cells(4, 4) = TextDireccion
.Cells(5, 4) = TextProvincia
.Cells(6, 2) = Venta
.Cells(6, 4) = Cuit
.Cells(8, 1) = Cant01
.Cells(8, 2) = Det01
.Cells(9, 1) = Cant02
.Cells(9, 2) = Det02
.Cells(10, 1) = Cant03
.Cells(10, 2) = Det03
.Cells(11, 1) = Cant04
.Cells(11, 2) = Det04
.Cells(12, 1) = Cant05
.Cells(12, 2) = Det05
.Cells(13, 1) = Cant06
.Cells(13, 2) = Det06
.Cells(14, 1) = Cant07
.Cells(14, 2) = Det07
.Cells(15, 1) = Cant08
.Cells(15, 2) = Det08
.Cells(16, 1) = Cant09
.Cells(16, 2) = Det09
.Cells(17, 1) = Cant10
.Cells(17, 2) = Det10
.Cells(21, 5) = Valor
.Cells(26, 2) = Transporte
.Cells(26, 3) = bultos
.Cells(27, 2) = Transdire
TextCliente = Empty
TextDireccion = Empty
TextProvincia = Empty
TextVenta = Empty
TextCuit = Empty
TextCant01 = Empty
TextDet01 = Empty
TextCant02 = Empty
TextDet02 = Empty
TextCant03 = Empty
TextDet03 = Empty
TextCant04 = Empty
TextDet04 = Empty
TextCant05 = Empty
TextDet05 = Empty
TextCant06 = Empty
TextDet06 = Empty
TextCant07 = Empty
TextDet07 = Empty
TextCant08 = Empty
TextDet08 = Empty
TextCant09 = Empty
TextDet09 = Empty
TextCant10 = Empty
TextDet10 = Empty
TextValor = Empty
TextTransporte = Empty
TextTransdire = Empty
TextBultos = Empty


End With
End Sub

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