What is isotretinoin used for?

Isotretinoin is a medication primarily used to treat severe and persistent cases of acne. It is often prescribed when other treatments for acne have proven ineffective or when acne is causing significant physical or emotional distress. Isotretinoin is known for its effectiveness in:

  1. Severe Acne: Isotretinoin is highly effective in treating severe forms of acne, including cystic and nodular acne. These types of acne can be painful, disfiguring, and resistant to other treatments.

  2. Preventing Scarring: By reducing the inflammation and addressing the underlying causes of acne, isotretinoin can help prevent the formation of permanent acne scars.

  3. Long-Term Remission: Many individuals who undergo a course of isotretinoin treatment experience long-lasting results, with some achieving remission from acne for several years or even permanently.

  4. Improved Skin Texture: Isotretinoin not only reduces the number of acne lesions but also leads to smoother and clearer skin.

Isotretinoin is a powerful medication with potential side effects, so it should be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, typically a dermatologist. It is not typically prescribed for mild or moderate acne but is reserved for cases where acne has a severe impact on a person's life or when other treatments have proven inadequate.

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