Inconvenente con la estructura de programación getPreparedStatement de Jsp


    ResultSet rs = DBUtils.getPreparedStatement("select * from News").executeQuery();


     News n=new News(rs.getInt(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3),rs.getString(4),rs.getString(5),rs.getString(6),rs.getString(7));



   } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex){

     Logger.getLogger(DataAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


     return ls;


public static List<News> getNewById(int id){

    List<News> ls=new LinkedList<>();

   String sql="select * from News where id="+id;


    ResultSet rs = DBUtils.getPreparedStatement(sql).executeQuery();


     News n=new News(rs.getInt(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3),rs.getString(4),rs.getString(5),rs.getString(6),rs.getString(7));



       } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex){

     Logger.getLogger(DataAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


   return ls;  


public void edit(int id, String title, String description, String detail,String category,String image){

    String sql="update news set title=?, description=?,detail=?,category=?,image=?" +" where id=?";

    PreparedStatement ps;


        ps= DBUtils.getPreparedStatement(sql);

Ps.setString(1, title);

Ps.setString(2, description);

Ps.setString(3, detail);

Ps.setString(4, category);

Ps.setString(5, image);

Ps.setInt(6, id);


    } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex){

      Logger.getLogger(DataAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,ex);



public void delete(int id){


   String sql="delete News where id=?";

   PreparedStatement ps= DBUtils.getPreparedStatement(sql);

   ps.setInt(1, id);


   } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException ex){

      Logger.getLogger(DataAccess.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,ex);




Me muestra un error en las líneas de código:

Que dice :

PreparedStatement ps= DBUtils.getPreparedStatement(sql);

La descripción del error es:

Cannot find symbol

Symbol: method getPreparedStatement(String)

Location: variable DBUtils of type Object

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