Calendario en php

Te remito esta pregunta que me hicieron, ya que aparentemente confundieron mis categorías, y me preguntaron sobre php de lo que no entiendo nada!
Te agradezco tu molestia.
Acá esta la pregunta original:
Hola! Necesito ayuda poke toy aciendo 1 aplicacion en php pero necesito 1 calensario en el que pueda señalar dias y poner notas. Me baje 1 en java script pero las variables se guardan en coockies y no se como hacer e se guarde los dias que tienen algo markado en mis tablas para luego sacar esos dias en 1 informe, te mando el código para ke le exes 1 vistazo:
<!-- Original: Greg Quilop ([email protected]) -->
<!-- Web Site: -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! -->
<!-- Begin
var mo = "";
var year = "";
var currentmonth = today.getMonth();
var currentyear = today.getFullYear();
//cookies are not found
if(document.cookie == "") {
mo = today.getMonth();
year = today.getFullYear();
else {
mo = getCookie('whichmonth');
//correct cookie is NOT set
if(mo == null) {
mo = today.getMonth();
year = today.getFullYear();
//alert number of reminders to user
//correct cookie is set
else {
mo = getCookie('whichmonth');
year = getCookie('whichyear');
//set a session cookie
setCookie('whichyear', year);
//backup one month and refresh
function backup() {
//check for a new year being set
if(mo > 0) {
} else {
mo = 11;
//check for 19**
if(year == 2000) {
year = 1999;
} else if(year <= 1999) {
syear = year.substring(2,year.length);
year = "19" + syear;
else {
setCookie('whichyear', year);
//check for open child windows and close.
if(child && !child.closed) {
//go forward one month and refresh
function stepup() {
//check for a new year being set
if(mo < 11) {
else {
mo = 0;
setCookie('whichyear', year);
//check for open child windows and close.
if(child && !child.closed) {
//first starting day of month
var first = months[mo] + " 01, " + year;
firstday = new Date(first);
startday = firstday.getDay();
//variable for day count
var count = 1;
//variables for leap year
var factor = startday - 1;
var endday = parseInt(monthlen[mo]) + factor;
var calbg = "#666666";
var calwidth = "80%";
var twidth = "14%";
var theight = "70";
var monthbg = "#000000";
var monfam = "verdana,arial,helvetica";
var monsize = "3"
var moncol = "#ffffff"
var weekbg = "#eeeeee";
var weekfam = "verdana,arial,helvetica";
var weeksize = "2";
var weekcol = "#ff0000";
var daybg = "#eeeeee";
var dayfam = "verdana,arial,helvetica";
var daysize = "1";
var daycol = "#000000";
var sdaycol = "#ff0000";
var calendar = "";
calendar = "<table bgcolor='" + calbg + "' width='" + calwidth + "' border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0'>";
calendar += "<tr>";
calendar += "<td align='center'>";
<!-- Month Starts Here -->
calendar += "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'>";
calendar += "<tr>";
calendar += "<td align='center'> <a href='javascript:backup();'><font color='#ffffff'><b><<</b></font></a> </td>";
calendar += "<td width='100%' bgcolor='" + monthbg + "' align='center'><font face='" + monfam + "' size=" + monsize + " color=" + moncol + "><b>";
calendar += "<a href='javascript://' onclick='open_all(\"all_reminders.html\");'><font color='#ffffff'>" + months[mo] + ", " + year + "</font></a>";
calendar += "</b></font></td>";
calendar += "<td align='center'> <a href='javascript:stepup();'><font color='#ffffff'><b>>></b></font></a> </td>";
calendar += "</tr>";
calendar += "</table>";
<!-- Month Ends Here -->
calendar += "</td>";
calendar += "</tr>";
calendar += "<tr>";
calendar += "<td align='center'>";
<!-- Week Starts Here -->
calendar += "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'>";
calendar += "<tr>";
for(i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
calendar += "<td width='" + twidth + "' bgcolor='" + weekbg + "' align='center' valign='middle'><font face='" + weekfam + "' size=" + weeksize + " color=" + weekcol + "><b>";
calendar += days;
calendar += "</b></font></td>";
calendar += "</tr>";
calendar += "</table>";
<!-- Week Ends Here -->
calendar += "</td>";
calendar += "</tr>";
calendar += "<tr>";
calendar += "<td align='center'>";
<!-- Day Starts Here -->
calendar += "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='1'>";
calendar += "<tr>";
if(startday > 0) {
for(empty = 0; empty < startday; empty++) {
calendar += "<td width='" + twidth + "' height='" + theight + "'> </td>";
for(i = startday; i <= endday; i++) {
if( (i % 7) == 0) {
calendar += "</tr><tr>";
//keep highlight info on the current month and day
if( (i - (startday - 1)) == dt && currentmonth == mo && currentyear == year) {
calendar += "<td width='" + twidth + "' height='" + theight + "' bgcolor='" + daybg + "' align='right' valign='top'><font face='" + dayfam + "' size=" + daysize + "><b>";
calendar += "<a href='javascript://' onclick=javascript:open_window('day_scheduler.html?" + months[mo] + "&" + count + "',300,350,0,1);><font color=" + sdaycol + ">" + count +...
Esto lo hice hace un tiempo atrás. Revisa este vínculo y dime si ello te sirveÑ
Le enviaré esta información al usuario que me hizo la pregunta. Muchas gracias de ante mano.
Espero esto le resulte suficiente para no tener que seguir molestandote ;)
Atentamente. Manuel Fernández.
Me pusieron 3 estrellas por esta pregunta, de cualquier modo mi puntaje será de 5 para tu respuesta por tu tiempo.
Atentamente. Manuel Fernández

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