How do I decide on the idea? When landing on a concept for a startup,

¿How do I decide on the idea?

When landing on a concept for a startup, keep these three items in mind. But as we’ve said before, ideas can easily be changed.

  1. Intention matters

We’ve found the best YC founders are solving problems that they or a loved one have personally faced. Think about why you want to solve the problem you’re solving. ¿Will you care about it a decade from now?

  1. Don't follow the mainstream

Doing something because it’s considered “cool'' will likely not be successful. When Coinbase was founded in 2012, cryptocurrencies were very much Startup college a fringe idea. Today it’s pretty likely your grandmother has heard of Bitcoin.

  1. Solve for needs

It’s tricky to balance an understanding of what people want versus what they need. Focus on what people are actually willing to spend their time or money on, not just what they say they want.

For more, watch How to Build the Future with YC’s Sam Altman.

I’Ve built something. ¿How do I get my first users or customers?

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