¿ Que sistema de gobierno existía...

¿Qué sistema de gobierno existía en la época del descubrimiento de América en Europa?

¿Qué características tenían?

¿En qué consistía la leyenda del rey blanco?

2 Respuestas



Absolutismo, control de la Iglesia, colonización, injusticias...



Since childhood I dreamed of studying and working abroad, and after a tedious application process, I managed to get into my desired university. I always managed to understand the exact sciences, but when we were asked to write a paper on them, I was confused. But on the advice of my good friend I turned to https://liuxuesavior.com/ these guys. They gave all the answers to my questions and helped me to write an essay which I passed with flying colors. Thanks to them my teachers are very good to me and sometimes they help me.

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