Acordeón vertical DWcs5

Mi idea es hacer un menú vertical sin color de fondo ni bordes ni nada,,, solo texto.

Al crear un menú acordeón vertical en DWcs5 me creó unos archivos extras...

En el archivo spryaccordion.css saqué los colores y margenes etc.

Quiero una ayuda o pista xD en lo sgt

El problema es que al hacer un vista previa con el navegador, aparece el menu vertical sin colores ni nada (ok), pero al hacer click en sus opciones aparece un borde amarillo que abarca a todo el menu, y no sé en que parte editar y sacar o ocultar eso.

También dónde puedo editar el interlineado de cada menú y submenú.

2 Respuestas


O mejor es que me mandes un link donde pueda ver los códigos o bien lo pegues acá, así te digo exactamente que hacer!

Te espero de regreso!

Gracias por responder

bueno en html solo se pueden cambiar los nombres de los menu onda esto

</div><div class="AccordionPanel"><div class="AccordionPanelTab">Etiqueta 6</div><div class="AccordionPanelContent">Contenido 6</div>

el archivo spryaccordion.js tiene esto y no entiendo mucho XD

(function() { // BeginSpryComponentif (typeof Spry == "undefined") window.Spry = {}; if (!Spry.Widget) Spry.Widget = {};Spry.Widget.Accordion = function(element, opts){this.element = this.getElement(element);this.defaultPanel = 0;this.hoverClass = "AccordionPanelTabHover";this.openClass = "AccordionPanelOpen";this.closedClass = "AccordionPanelClosed";this.focusedClass = "AccordionFocused";this.enableAnimation = true;this.enableKeyboardNavigation = true;this.currentPanel = null;this.animator = null;this.hasFocus = null;this.previousPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_UP;this.nextPanelKeyCode = Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_DOWN;this.useFixedPanelHeights = true;this.fixedPanelHeight = 0;Spry.Widget.Accordion.setOptions(this, opts, true);if (this.element)this.attachBehaviors();};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getElement = function(ele){if (ele && typeof ele == "string")return document.getElementById(ele);return ele;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.addClassName = function(ele, className){if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) != -1))return;ele.className += (ele.className ? " " : "") + className;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.removeClassName = function(ele, className){if (!ele || !className || (ele.className && RegExp("\\b" + className + "\\b")) == -1))return;ele.className = ele.className.replace(new RegExp("\\s*\\b" + className + "\\b", "g"), "");};Spry.Widget.Accordion.setOptions = function(obj, optionsObj, ignoreUndefinedProps){if (!optionsObj)return;for (var optionName in optionsObj){if (ignoreUndefinedProps && optionsObj[optionName] == undefined)continue;obj[optionName] = optionsObj[optionName];}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onPanelTabMouseOver = function(e, panel){if (panel)this.addClassName(this.getPanelTab(panel), this.hoverClass);return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onPanelTabMouseOut = function(e, panel){if (panel)this.removeClassName(this.getPanelTab(panel), this.hoverClass);return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openPanel = function(elementOrIndex){var panelA = this.currentPanel;var panelB;if (typeof elementOrIndex == "number")panelB = this.getPanels()[elementOrIndex];elsepanelB = this.getElement(elementOrIndex);if (!panelB || panelA == panelB)return null;var contentA = panelA ? this.getPanelContent(panelA) : null;var contentB = this.getPanelContent(panelB);if (!contentB)return null;if (this.useFixedPanelHeights && !this.fixedPanelHeight)this.fixedPanelHeight = (contentA.offsetHeight) ? contentA.offsetHeight : contentA.scrollHeight;if (this.enableAnimation){if (this.animator)this.animator.stop();this.animator = new Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator(this, panelB, { duration: this.duration, fps: this.fps, transition: this.transition });this.animator.start();}else{if(contentA){ = "none"; = "0px";} = "block"; = this.useFixedPanelHeights ? this.fixedPanelHeight + "px" : "auto";}if(panelA){this.removeClassName(panelA, this.openClass);this.addClassName(panelA, this.closedClass);}this.removeClassName(panelB, this.closedClass);this.addClassName(panelB, this.openClass);this.currentPanel = panelB;return panelB;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.closePanel = function(){// The accordion can only ever have one panel open at any// give time, so this method only closes the current panel.// If the accordion is in fixed panel heights mode, this// method does nothing.if (!this.useFixedPanelHeights && this.currentPanel){var panel = this.currentPanel;var content = this.getPanelContent(panel);if (content){if (this.enableAnimation){if (this.animator)this.animator.stop();this.animator = new Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator(this, null, { duration: this.duration, fps: this.fps, transition: this.transition });this.animator.start();}else{ = "none"; = "0px";}}this.removeClassName(panel, this.openClass);this.addClassName(panel, this.closedClass);this.currentPanel = null;}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openNextPanel = function(){return this.openPanel(this.getCurrentPanelIndex() + 1);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openPreviousPanel = function(){return this.openPanel(this.getCurrentPanelIndex() - 1);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openFirstPanel = function(){return this.openPanel(0);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.openLastPanel = function(){var panels = this.getPanels();return this.openPanel(panels[panels.length - 1]);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onPanelTabClick = function(e, panel){if (panel != this.currentPanel)this.openPanel(panel);elsethis.closePanel();if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)this.focus();if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();else e.cancelBubble = true;return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onFocus = function(e){this.hasFocus = true;this.addClassName(this.element, this.focusedClass);return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onBlur = function(e){this.hasFocus = false;this.removeClassName(this.element, this.focusedClass);return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_UP = 38;Spry.Widget.Accordion.KEY_DOWN = 40;Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.onKeyDown = function(e){var key = e.keyCode;if (!this.hasFocus || (key != this.previousPanelKeyCode && key != this.nextPanelKeyCode))return true;var panels = this.getPanels();if (!panels || panels.length < 1)return false;var currentPanel = this.currentPanel ? this.currentPanel : panels[0];var nextPanel = (key == this.nextPanelKeyCode) ? currentPanel.nextSibling : currentPanel.previousSibling;while (nextPanel){if (nextPanel.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */)break;nextPanel = (key == this.nextPanelKeyCode) ? nextPanel.nextSibling : nextPanel.previousSibling;}if (nextPanel && currentPanel != nextPanel)this.openPanel(nextPanel);if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();else e.cancelBubble = true;return false;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.attachPanelHandlers = function(panel){if (!panel)return;var tab = this.getPanelTab(panel);if (tab){var self = this;Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(tab, "click", function(e) { return self.onPanelTabClick(e, panel); }, false);Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(tab, "mouseover", function(e) { return self.onPanelTabMouseOver(e, panel); }, false);Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(tab, "mouseout", function(e) { return self.onPanelTabMouseOut(e, panel); }, false);}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener = function(element, eventType, handler, capture){try{if (element.addEventListener)element.addEventListener(eventType, handler, capture);else if (element.attachEvent)element.attachEvent("on" + eventType, handler);}catch (e) {}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.initPanel = function(panel, isDefault){var content = this.getPanelContent(panel);if (isDefault){this.currentPanel = panel;this.removeClassName(panel, this.closedClass);this.addClassName(panel, this.openClass);// Attempt to set up the height of the default panel. We don't want to// do any dynamic panel height calculations here because our accordion// or one of its parent containers may be display:none.if (content){if (this.useFixedPanelHeights){// We are in fixed panel height mode and the user passed in// a panel height for us to use.if (this.fixedPanelHeight) = this.fixedPanelHeight + "px";}else{// We are in variable panel height mode, but since we can't// calculate the panel height here, we just set the height to// auto so that it expands to show all of its = "auto";}}}else{this.removeClassName(panel, this.openClass);this.addClassName(panel, this.closedClass);if (content){ = "0px"; = "none";}}this.attachPanelHandlers(panel);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.attachBehaviors = function(){var panels = this.getPanels();for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++)this.initPanel(panels, i == this.defaultPanel);// Advanced keyboard navigation requires the tabindex attribute// on the top-level element.this.enableKeyboardNavigation = (this.enableKeyboardNavigation && this.element.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex"));if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation){var self = this;Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(this.element, "focus", function(e) { return self.onFocus(e); }, false);Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(this.element, "blur", function(e) { return self.onBlur(e); }, false);Spry.Widget.Accordion.addEventListener(this.element, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onKeyDown(e); }, false);}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getPanels = function(){return this.getElementChildren(this.element);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getCurrentPanel = function(){return this.currentPanel;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getPanelIndex = function(panel){var panels = this.getPanels();for( var i = 0 ; i < panels.length; i++ ){if( panel == panels )return i;}return -1;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getCurrentPanelIndex = function(){return this.getPanelIndex(this.currentPanel);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getPanelTab = function(panel){if (!panel)return null;return this.getElementChildren(panel)[0];};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getPanelContent = function(panel){if (!panel)return null;return this.getElementChildren(panel)[1];};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.getElementChildren = function(element){var children = [];var child = element.firstChild;while (child){if (child.nodeType == 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */)children.push(child);child = child.nextSibling;}return children;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.focus = function(){if (this.element && this.element.focus)this.element.focus();};Spry.Widget.Accordion.prototype.blur = function(){if (this.element && this.element.blur)this.element.blur();};/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator = function(accordion, panel, opts){this.timer = null;this.interval = 0;this.fps = 60;this.duration = 500;this.startTime = 0;this.transition = Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator.defaultTransition;this.onComplete = null;this.panel = panel;this.panelToOpen = accordion.getElement(panel);this.panelData = [];this.useFixedPanelHeights = accordion.useFixedPanelHeights;Spry.Widget.Accordion.setOptions(this, opts, true);this.interval = Math.floor(1000 / this.fps);// Set up the array of panels we want to animate.var panels = accordion.getPanels();for (var i = 0; i < panels.length; i++){var p = panels;var c = accordion.getPanelContent(p);if (c){var h = c.offsetHeight;if (h == undefined)h = 0;if (p == panel && h == 0) = "block";if (p == panel || h > 0){var obj = new Object;obj.panel = p;obj.content = c;obj.fromHeight = h;obj.toHeight = (p == panel) ? (accordion.useFixedPanelHeights ? accordion.fixedPanelHeight : c.scrollHeight) : 0;obj.distance = obj.toHeight - obj.fromHeight;obj.overflow =;this.panelData.push(obj); = "hidden"; = h + "px";}}}};Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator.defaultTransition = function(time, begin, finish, duration) { time /= duration; return begin + ((2 - time) * time * finish); };Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator.prototype.start = function(){var self = this;this.startTime = (new Date).getTime();this.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.stepAnimation(); }, this.interval);};Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator.prototype.stop = function(){if (this.timer){clearTimeout(this.timer);// If we're killing the timer, restore the overflow// properties on the panels we were animating!for (i = 0; i < this.panelData.length; i++){obj = this.panelData; = obj.overflow;}}this.timer = null;};Spry.Widget.Accordion.PanelAnimator.prototype.stepAnimation = function(){var curTime = (new Date).getTime();var elapsedTime = curTime - this.startTime;var i, obj;if (elapsedTime >= this.duration){for (i = 0; i < this.panelData.length; i++){obj = this.panelData;if (obj.panel != this.panel){ = "none"; = "0px";} = obj.overflow; = (this.useFixedPanelHeights || obj.toHeight == 0) ? obj.toHeight + "px" : "auto";}if (this.onComplete)this.onComplete();return;}for (i = 0; i < this.panelData.length; i++){obj = this.panelData;var ht = this.transition(elapsedTime, obj.fromHeight, obj.distance, this.duration); = ((ht < 0) ? 0 : ht) + "px";}var self = this;this.timer = setTimeout(function() { self.stepAnimation(); }, this.interval);};})(); // EndSpryComponent


@charset "UTF-8";.Accordion {border-left: 0;border-right: 0;border-bottom: 0;overflow: hidden;}.AccordionPanel {margin: 0px;padding: 8px; /*margen izquierdo */}.AccordionPanelTab { /*titulos */background-color: ;border-top: 0;border-bottom: 0;margin: 0px;padding: 10px;cursor: pointer;-moz-user-select: all ;-khtml-user-select: all;}.AccordionPanelContent { /*subtitu */overflow: hidden;margin: 0px;padding: 17px;height: 120px;}.AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab { /* titulo */background-color: ;}.AccordionPanelTabHover { /* sobretitulo */color: #B30004;}.AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTabHover { /* titulo activo */color: #D20005;}.AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelTab { /* fondo titulo */background-color: ;}.AccordionFocused .AccordionPanelOpen .AccordionPanelTab {background-color: ;}/* Rules for Printing */@media print {.Accordion {overflow: hidden !important;}.AccordionPanelContent {display: none !important;overflow: hidden !important;height: auto !important;}}

Eso es un quilombo! jajajaja... te recomiendo algo.

Usa esto que te deje subido en nuestro FTP... bajalo tranqui y editalo a gusto... esta como vos lo queres... solo tenes que sacar el fondo... ubicarlo, etc... pero esta LIMPIO y CLARO... solo tenes que manupular CSS y el HTML para personalizar los menues...

Eso que me pasaste es un caos, no culpa tuya, sino del DW que no es inteligente para esas tareas!

Proba con esto que te pase y me decis.

un caos xD , pero logre subirlo para ver si le echas una miradita

Estuve viendo, y no veo ningun borde amarillo... si veo que cuando te paras arriba de cada itel se pone la letra roja, pero no se si es eso lo que decias...

Decime de eso que se ve que necesitas modificar, y te guio!


lo de la letras rojas si lo puse yo

en OPERA no se ve el borde

en IE se ven puntitos grises como borde al hacer click

en CHROME se ve el borde amarillo al hacer click
en FIREFOX no se ve el borde pero al hacer click en un menu se selecciona todo el nombre de la opción que uno clickea

alguna idea, :C :C :( :(.


Honestamente estas teniendo problemas que jamas he visto. Y mira que he visto cosas...!

Yo creo, con total sinceridad, que estas yendo por un camino de problemas. Los menúes generados con el DW apestan. No sirven. Así te lo digo de feo!

Yo conozco menúes como este

Este funciona exactamente igual que el que tenes cuando en el demo (al principio de la web), donde dice Menu actions, pones "One submenú at a time:" en TRUE y le das "collapse". Si abrís un menu y otro se van abriendo y cerrando como el tuyo. Y ese lo vas a estililzar como quieras sin problemas... anda perfecto. (Y lo bajas completito mas abajo, donde dice download)

Otro mas complejo (de mas niveles) es este

Ahí tenes explicaciones y todo... ese podes hacerlo de varios subniveles.

Sino, otra es que busques. Trata de buscar por menues en JQuery, que son los mejorcitos. Hay miles.

Pero evita eso que estas haciendo. Todas las cosas generadas automáticamente desde los programasi así son para problemas!

Lamento ser tan duro, pero créeme que a la larga me lo vas a agradecer.

Revisa estos que te pase... sy cualquier cosa me decís.

Dato que me olvide: coloca un reset antes que nada... te va a ahorrar miles de problemas después.

Ahí lo bajas... lo pones como esta en el ejemplo, en el HTML adentro... y siempre el <link> en el que lo pones, ponelo primero que todos los demás <link> de hojas de estilo.


Tendría que poder ver el código (o al menos parte de el) para poder decirte porque aparece ese borde.

Pero si lo quieres eliminar simplemente usa -- border: 0px ! Important -- en la capa en la que te lo encuentres y así lo quitas.

Puedes ayudarte de FIREBUG un complemento de FIREFOX para diseñadores.

Lo que no entiendo es la parte del interlineado, ¿qué es para ti el interlineado?

aquí esta, y el interlineado me refiero al espacio que hay entre un menu y otro, necesito ajustarlo más verticalmente.

No puedo ver la web, si me puedes enviarme otra URL

sorry q habia cambiado la ubicacion

ahi esta

¿A mi no me aparece el borde amarillo, que navegador estas usando?

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